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Myths and Facts Regarding Your Child's Digestion Health

Mother must often hear various myths circulating in the community related to the digestive health of Little. But what about the facts? And what is the role of proper nutrition in maintaining the digestive health of your child. Come, see the following review. Impaired gastrointestinal function becomes a common problem that is often experienced by children in their daily lives. Impaired gastrointestinal function is a condition that can occur in the digestive system. Symptoms can vary, such as abdominal pain, diarrhea, constipation, bloating, nausea and heartburn, which often makes your child fussy because of the discomfort felt.

Myths and Facts about Little Digestion

Here are some myths and facts about digestive function disorders that generally occur in your child:

Wind Oil / Eucalyptus Oil as Bloating.

Myth: Applying wind oil or eucalyptus oil can relieve stomach pain in your child. Fact: There is no clinical evidence that applying oil or eucalyptus oil can relieve bloating in your baby. However, the warm sensation it causes can make your child feel more comfortable. Flatulence can be caused by various things, one of which is consuming gas-producing foods such as broccoli, cabbage, onions and soybeans. Several studies have shown that consumption of lactose intake is low and rich in fiber can reduce the risk of bloating and other symptoms of gastrointestinal dysfunction. Therefore, mothers can provide nutrients with sufficient fiber and low lactose content to reduce the possibility of bloating in your baby. If the complaint seems very disturbing Little and never resolved, do not hesitate to consult a doctor.

Spit can affect your child's nutrition

Myth: Spit up can interfere with your child's nutritional balance. Fact: This myth is not entirely wrong, because as long as it occurs within reasonable limits, spit up is nothing to worry about, but if it happens excessively, then this might affect nutrition and growth and development, so it's worth watching out for. Although often worrisome, actually spit up is a natural thing to happen in the process of developing Little, this is because the size of the stomach is still small. At this age too, the muscle ring that supports the process of drinking or swallowing Little can not work perfectly. No need to worry, because Little will generally stop experiencing spit after passing the age of 6 months. Spit up and vomit need to be distinguished, spit up occurs shortly after receiving intake, usually occurs easily, without pressure from the stomach of the Little One and together with belching in small amounts. While vomiting has a stronger flow from the stomach to come out of the mouth in greater amounts. Vomiting often indicates disorders in the digestion of your child, such as gastrointestinal infections. So, if spit is considered excessive (approximately up to more than 2 tablespoons), body weight is reduced or does not increase, looks lethargic and restless, spit occurs with strong pressure resembling vomiting, and spit that persists until the age of 6 months, do not feel free to take him to the doctor.

Coffee Can Overcome Constipation in Your Little One

Myth: Some of the myths that develop among mothers say giving coffee to your child can overcome constipation. Fact: Constipation or constipation is a difficult complaint CHAPTER often experienced by many people including children, this condition is mainly related to lack of fiber intake and digestive health. Coffee can indeed provoke gastrointestinal activity, but at the same time coffee provokes an increase in urine production, which causes a lot of fluid to be wasted from the body, including digestion, this can make the dirt lose its softness, and become more difficult to defecate. Furthermore, children cannot even digest coffee properly, and the caffeine content in it can have disruptive effects such as anxiety, palpitations, headaches, insomnia and indigestion. Intake of foods and beverages that contain fiber and prebiotics, can help reduce symptoms of constipation and other gastrointestinal disorders. Fiber maintains and helps the digestive tract performance properly. Besides food / drinks that contain prebiotics, including galacto-oligosaccharides (GOS) and fructo-oligosaccharides (FOS), are also useful in maintaining digestive health through their function of maintaining good bacteria (probiotics) that live in the intestine.

Proper Nutrition for Little Digestion Health

Regardless of whatever means is done to deal with complaints of dysfunction of your baby's digestive tract, prevention is always better than cure. There is a simple formula to keep your baby's digestive system healthy, namely fiber, fluid and physical activity. To maintain the digestive health of your child, mothers need to pay attention to the completeness of nutritional intake, such as by providing adequate intake of fiber from fruits, vegetables, yogurt and grains that help absorption of nutrients, fibrous foods and milk often contain prebiotics such as FOS and GOS that can provide nutrition for bacteria both in the intestines, vitamins and minerals (vitamins A, B, C and D), as well as iron both from meat, green vegetables and milk. Make sure you have adequate fluid intake, and ensure hygiene of your baby's food and drinks. In addition, encourage your child to remain active, in order to maximize the performance of his organs, including the digestive tract and endurance. If your child's digestive complaints are getting annoying, don't hesitate to take him to the doctor.


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